Toukokuu 21 Los Angeles Forum SOLD OUT Toukokuu 23 Los Angeles Forum SOLD OUT Toukokuu 24 Los Angeles Forum SOLD OUT Toukokuu 27 Las Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena SOLD OUT Toukokuu 28 Las Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena SOLD OUT Toukokuu 30 San Jose HP Pavilion SOLD OUT Toukokuu 31 San Jose HP Pavilion SOLD OUT
Kesäkuu 03 Los Angeles Staples Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 05 Fresno Save Mart Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 06 Fresno Save Mart Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 08 Phoenix Glendale Arena SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 10 Phoenix Glendale Arena SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 14 Chicago United Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 15 Chicago United Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 18 Chicago United Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 19 Chicago United Center SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 21 Montreal Bell Centre SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 22 Montreal Bell Centre SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 25 Hartford Civic Centre SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 26 Hartford Civic Centre SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 28 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT Kesäkuu 29 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT
Heinäkuu 02 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 03 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 06 Boston TD Bank Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 09 Boston TD Bank Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 10 Boston TD Bank Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 12 Philadelphia Wachovia Center SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 13 Philadelphia Wachovia Center SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 16 Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 18 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 19 New York Madison Square Garden SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 22 Miami AmericanAirlines Arena SOLD OUT Heinäkuu 23 Miami AmericanAirlines Arena SOLD OUT
Heinäkuu 30 Cardiff Millennium Stadium SOLD OUT
Elokuu 01 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 03 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 06 Rome Olympic Stadium SOLD OUT Elokuu 09 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 10 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 12 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 13 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 15 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 16 London Wembley Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 20 Dusseldorf LTU Arena SOLD OUT Elokuu 22 Hannover Niedersachsen SOLD OUT Elokuu 24 Horsens (Denmark) Forum Horsens Outdoor SOLD OUT Elokuu 27 Paris Bercy Stadium SOLD OUT Elokuu 28 Paris Bercy Stadium SOLD OUT Elokuu 30 Paris Bercy Stadium SOLD OUT Elokuu 31 Paris Bercy Stadium SOLD OUT
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Syyskuu 16 Osaka Dome SOLD OUT Syyskuu 17 Osaka Dome SOLD OUT Syyskuu 20 Tokyo Dome SOLD OUT Syyskuu 21 Tokyo Dome SOLD OUT
Yhteensä: 60 konserttia
-- Editoi Material_Boy --
-Confessions Tour 28.8.2006 Paris
-Sticky & Sweet Tour 7.10.2008 New York
-Sticky & Sweet Tour 6.8.2009 Helsinki ( First row , main stage !!! )
Madonna will be dancing and singing across the stages of the world this spring and summer, it was announced today. The "Confessions Tour" with concerts across major US cities, Canada, Europe and Japan will begin in Los Angeles on May 21st. "Confessions" tour dates were officially confirmed by Madonna's managers Angela Becker and Guy Oseary, along with Arthur Fogel, President of The Next Adventure (a Live Nation Company), the tour's worldwide promoter.
Source: Warner Bros. Records
Tour stops in North America for the "Confessions Tour" will include arenas in Chicago, Boston, San Jose, Phoenix, Fresno, Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Miami, Montreal and New York. Overseas appearances will take place in arenas, stadiums and outdoor venues in Paris, France; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Cardiff, Wales; Rome, Italy; Dusseldorf and Hannover Germany; Horsens, Denmark; Osaka and Tokyo, Japan.
The "Confessions Tour" will be directed by longtime Madonna collaborator Jamie King with Stuart Price once again on board as Musical Director. Arianne Phillips and Jean Paul Gaultier, long standing members of Madonna's creative team, will respectively oversee and design costumes for the tour.
Madonna's previous tour, the 2004 "Re-Invention Tour" was the most successful tour of that year, according to Billboard Magazine.
The Warner Bros. Records mega star, whose current CD "Confessions On A Dance Floor" debuted at No.1 in 29 countries, has already begun rehearsals in Los Angeles with her talented troupe of musicians and dancers. With a staggering 35 No. 1 hits on Billboard's dance charts during the course of her unparalleled career, it's no surprise that Madonna issued the following mission statement regarding the "Confessions Tour": "I'm going to turn the world into one big dance floor," exhorted the Material Girl.
The multi-Grammy Award winning artist, songwriter, children's book author, producer and video visionary with an unrivaled reputation for astonishing stage spectacles, has made musical history many times over including International record sales of over 200 million albums.
A cultural innovator of astonishing diversity and enduring appeal, Madonna has defined our era with a sound, style and vision that has inspired countless artists and millions of fans around the globe. In the process, she has pioneered a new model of creative empowerment, overseeing a multi-faceted career that encompasses virtually every aspect of contemporary culture.
Existing Madonna Fan Club Icon Members will receive a special pre-sale opportunity prior to the public sales dates outlined below. Members can check for complete details.
Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...
Toivottavasti lisätään päiviä!! Ihan älyttömän vähän tuossa Euroopan konsertteja.. Ja mihin jäivät Praha ja Moskova? Entä Espanja? Itse sovin juuri siskon kanssa että lähdetään Roomaan. Haluaisin kyllä mennä toiseenkin konserttiin, siskolle riittää yksi. Olisiko halukkaita Pariisiin lähtijöitä?! Tai Tanskaan?
Lisäys: nyt ollaan menossa Lontooseen, vaikka rahaa palaa 100 euroa extraa lippuun, mutta onpahan ainakin hyvä paikka!
Ehdottomasti lisää Euroopan päiviä...huh Eihän noin vähille keikoille mahdu olleskaan, murto-osakaan halukkaista! Kökköä ilmoitella tuollailla osissa noita päiviä. Pyh.
Kyllä niitä varmasti tulee lisää, koska viimeksikin RIT kieruteella päivämääriä tipahteli koko ajan lisää kunhan keikkapaikat varmistuivat lopullisesti. Ja joillakin paikkakunnilla keikkamääriä lisätään ihan kuten aina loppuunmyytyjen konserttien takia, niitäkin on varmasti jo varattu mutta ei vain ilmoiteta ennen kuin on tarvis.
Suomen kohtalo kyllä taitaa jälleen olla sama kuin aikaisemminkin, koska missään ei mainita venäjää. Japani kylläkin.
Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...
1 ½ Tons weight of Madonna's disco ball rocket ship at start of show 2 weeks to use up wand of YSL #5 mascara 2 Million dollars worth of Swarovski crystals embellishes above disco ball 5000 Square Feet Size of Madonna's four stages (standard is 2600 square feet) 1000 Hours rehearsal over 12 weeks 27 Number of Performers including Madonna, Band, and 22 Dancers 253 Massages provided to dancers 0 foundation used on Madonna's skin 1 bottle of balancing cleansing oil (Shu Uemura Green Tea) every week 1 bottle of Yonka moisturizer used up every three weeks 106 Crew members in Madonna touring party 40 Foot turntable in center of main stage 16 Miles per hour when turntable revolves 1 "Discofied"Crucifix rises nightly from stage floor with surprise visitor attached 4 Feet away from the audience is distance between Madonna and fans on satellite stages
70 Tons of equipment on top of main stage 24 Semi Trucks used to move equipment from city to city 2 Private Planes to transport 18 Vans and Cars to transport 5 Buses to transport 280 Yards of Ace bandages used for dancers and Madonna 543 and counting heat wraps for dancers 200 Tons in weight of entire show (equivalent to a battle ship) 400,000 Watts of power used for run of show nightly 8 Broken bones of Madonna's displayed on video screens during "Like a Virgin" via x-rays and MRI's (she's all better now)
7 Costume changes for Madonna 30 Outfits were designed by Jean Paul Gaultier for Madonna and dancers 8 Pairs of shoes and boots used by Madonna each night (mostly Yves St. Laurent) 1 Piece of jewelry (only) worn by Madonna (diamond and amethyst necklace designed by Chopard)
600 Outfits in total for the entire show 25 Rack required to move wardrobe 1 Crown of thorns -50 thorns - from Cotters Church Supply in LA) 1 Bottle of vodka backstage to use for perspiration stains 24 Inch waist (Madonna) 4 People change Madonna's costumes during the show 1 Pair of Capezio professional fish net stockings used each night 10 Pounds is weight of Michael Schmidt designed belt Madonna wears during a segment in show
4000 Swarovski crystals imbedded in said belt 34 Clips used to set Madonna's hair 2 Smoothie brand hair elastics used during show (one blonde, one white) 4 Large hairpins used to secure chignon in opening sequence 3 Hairstyles revealed during the show (chignon, crown of thorns with baby Jesus curls and weeny/disco roll coiff)
2 Products used for hair (Kerestase oleo relax and Evian water mister to prevent electricity) 2 Changes of eyelashes (one mink, one mink with diamonds for disco section)
Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...
Madrox kirjoitti: Mustakin lista ei kato oikein paljon Euroopan kaupunkeja
Mäkin olen ajatellut samaa.. Onko M menossa siis Euroopasta vielä Japaniin ja Australiaan. Luulen että ei. Tai siis.. toi nykyinen lista tuntuu jo kovin pitkältä!
Fanien täytyy useammin mennä katsomaan Madonnaa, kuin että Madonna tulisi heidän luoksensa. Ja fanithan menevät: Ensimmäisen neljän päivän aikana Madonna myi loppuun neljä konserttia Pariisissa, seitsemän Lontoossa, kaksi Amsterdamissa ja viisi New Yorkissa. Sekä tuplakeikat Los Angelesissa, Montrealissa, Miamissa, Chicagossa ja Fresnossa.
Ilmeisesti lippujen hinnoista ei ole muodostunut shokkia faneille jotka ovat olleet valmiita maksamaan jopa 385 dollaria lipusta. "Tavoitteenamme oli pitää lippujen hinnat samoissa raameissa kuin edellisellä kiertueella" sanoo Guy Oseary. "Emmekä ole koskaan saanet faneilta palautetta, etteivätkö he olisi saaneet rahoilleen vastinetta Madonnan konserteissa."
Vastaus kysymykseen "Milloin" on ollut yksinomaan Madonnan päätettävissä. "Jos katsoo kahta edellistä kiertuetta ja tätä, on aikarajat pysyneet suurinpiirtein samoissa. Toukokuun lopusta Syyskuun alkuun. Kyseinen ajanjakso on toimiva Madonnalle." Fogel sanoo.
Ilmeisesti Material Girl on muuttanut elämänarvojaan. Madonnan sitoumus perheeseensä on tärkeysasteella ensimmäisenä. Madonnan lasten koulunkäynti ja lukujärjestys pitää sopia kiertueen aikatauluun.
"Kun Madonna on päättänyt ajanjakson kiertueelle, me ehdotamme minne voisimme kiertueen kanssa mennä. Suunnitelmat muuttuvat ja kehittyvät sen mukaan kun kiertueen kokonaiskuva luodaan kasaan." Fogel sanoo.
Kun käytettävissä oleva aika on rajoitettua, ensimmäisenä ideana on maksinoida hyöty ja tulot. Toisena ideana on löytää markkina-alueita jotka Madonna on mahdollisesti jättänyt väliin edellisillä kiertueilla.
"Me kävimme vaihtokauppaa muutamasta konsertista paikkakunnilla joilla emme viimeksi esiintyneet, tai ole koskaan esiintyneet, ja luovuimme joistakin paikoista joissa vierailimme viimeksi." Fogel selvittää.
Euroopassa Madonna esiintyy useilla stadioineilla, seuraten U2 ja Bon Jovin esimerkkiä soittaa Pohjois-Amerikassa areenoilla ja Euroopassa stadioneilla.
"Aoin tehdä maailmasta oman yksityisen discon." Madonna sanoo. Angela Becker lisää, että kiertueella on tehtävä "Ajatuksena on, että Confessions kiertueella yleisö pidetään jaloillaan shown alusta loppuun saakka. Eikä hengähdystaukoja ole luvassa."
"I may not be performing in front of thousands tomorrow night, but I have one thing over Madonna - I saw her new stage set-up before she did" - Paul Carey writes today on the Western Mail.
"The queen of pop will debut the new-look set when she opens the European leg of her "Confession Tour" in Cardiff. It will be her first concert in Wales despite a career spanning more than 20 years and the 47-year-old singer is pulling out all the stops to ensure it goes with a bang. I had a sneak preview of what is happening behind the scenes in preparation for the main event. And although there are plenty of top secret Props That Must Not Be Named, this reporter can reveal that fans are going to be awestruck tomorrow night.
This is the first stadium date on the tour and the production crew are taking full advantage of all the Millennium Stadium has to offer, with more of the roof being used than ever before. Tour staff have been setting up since Monday and the stage looks awesome, extended with a catwalk and decked with a huge curved screen. At 5,000 square feet it is almost double the size of a normal stage, by far the biggest set up in the Millennium Stadium since it opened in 1999.
Disco balls glittered above it, covered in $2m worth of Swarovski crystals and although I didn't see it, rumour has it that a "discofied" crucifix will rise from the stage floor with a surprise visitor on it.
Security has been unprecedented, with curtains fixed around the pitch area to prevent stadium staff and visitors taking a peek. Although I managed to get an eyeful, I was asked not to reveal certain elements for fear Madonna would learn about them in the media before seeing them for herself.
The superstar was not at the venue when I visited but is flying in later today. I did have a chance to talk to her production director, American Chris Lamb, who has known the star for more than 20 years.
"What you're looking at is probably one of the largest touring shows ever. There's 60 trucks full of equipment here," he said.
Although he was tight-lipped about exactly what would be in the line-up, Mr Lamb was clearly excited about tomorrow's performance. He said, "This is a show, this is not a rock concert. This is a complete entertainment show." He wasn't the only one looking forward to the event. The Millennium Stadium's Paul Sergeant said, "Madonna is the biggest female artist in the world and we have seen from the stage today that it's a massive show. It's going to be one of those awesome occasions people are going to remember for a long time."
DJ Paul Oakenfold will get the party started when gates open at 5.30pm, with Madonna expected on stage at 8.30pm. The star of the show is expected to grant the seal of approval to the new set today and fly out of the city immediately after the gig. She has reportedly made several diva-like demands, although Mr Lamb says the rumours about brand-new toilet seats are an exaggeration.
"What it is that we've asked for is a clean toilet seat," he said. "She doesn't want one that all the rugby players have used! It's a girl thing."
She has also asked for a bottle of neat vodka - but being a clean-living gal, it is intended to clean her stage clothes and get rid of sweat marks.
Madonna has already played 35 sell-out arena shows across America, to rave reviews. But exceptionally high tickets prices and her use of a crucifix during the set have attracted criticism. Welsh fans have been asked to pay between £55 and £160 for tickets, with booking agents charging fee of as much as £13.
However it doesn't seem to have deterred the fans. A 59,000-strong crowd is expected to attend the concert. The first 3,000 to arrive will be admitted to a "golden circle" at the front of the stage, where the luckiest will be just four feet from the star. Of course, the new stage will only be used if the queen of pop is happy with it.
And if she's not? Will they be up all night changing it? "Yep," Mr Lamb nodded. "She's the boss."
From icWales
Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...