Ajattelin että tänne voisi alkaa laittamaan tietoa golden circlestä-front barricade-alueesta,jonne joillakin on jo hot ticket-lippu tai golden circle-lippu
Tälläistä infoa oli Madonnatribessä:
You will have a separate turnstile from all the normal ticket holders to enter the venue through. This entrance will probably either take you direct into the gold circle/front barricade area or you will be directed into it via a line of stewards directing you the correct way, and then, if you choose to leave that shut off section you will be given a wristband which will enable you to re-enter it.
That, or you will be given a wristband which will give you this access when you first go through the turnstile.
All gold circles/front barricades/pelouse or will have entrances into and out of it - that is how they separate the people who can from the people who can't.