Good soures said that dvd will be out from the next 6 months, at the same time for the GH. The reason from the delay is because Warner wants to hit 2 birds from one shot, they don't want to spend so much money for 2 promotions, and they delay the release from the S&S DVD after the 2nd part of the tour. The original W shoot from Rio was made to promote the DVD at march, but with this delay, they can't cancel the publication of the magazine. Live Nation wants to make a very HIT with this DVD, with good extras, interviews with Madonna, behind the scenes, friends of Madonna, cities, etc... The footage from Argentina is incredible, and the final edition is 99% completed. The rumours of bad footage are bull****. The fourth single will be Beat goes on, to make support to the 2nd part of the tour, this summer. They said is to soon to kill an album that was less of a year in the market.
Eli DVD on joka tapauksessa tulossa!!! Ja jos Beat Goes On on single, jee!!!
No se on hyvä, juttu, kun DVD on varppina tulossa. Tosi hyvä, itkin jo melkein.
Ja toivon mukaan Beat Goes Onista tulisi single, niin Hard Candyn tämän hetkinen tilanne saattaisi korjaantua :) Ja nyt olisi hyvää aikaa kuvata musiikkivideotakin...
Ja toivon mukaan Beat Goes Onista tulisi single, niin Hard Candyn tämän hetkinen tilanne saattaisi korjaantua :) Ja nyt olisi hyvää aikaa kuvata musiikkivideotakin...
Samaa mieltä.
Ja jos Live Nation haluaa panostaa extroihin, niin mahtavaa. Ei noilla konserttitaltioinneilla oo ikinä oikein kunnon ekstroja ollutkaan, vaikka kyllä Making of CT oli ihan jees. Plus Greatest Hits tänä vuonna, ihanaa
Good soures said that dvd will be out from the next 6 months, at the same time for the GH. The reason from the delay is because Warner wants to hit 2 birds from one shot, they don't want to spend so much money for 2 promotions, and they delay the release from the S&S DVD after the 2nd part of the tour. The original W shoot from Rio was made to promote the DVD at march, but with this delay, they can't cancel the publication of the magazine. Live Nation wants to make a very HIT with this DVD, with good extras, interviews with Madonna, behind the scenes, friends of Madonna, cities, etc... The footage from Argentina is incredible, and the final edition is 99% completed. The rumours of bad footage are bull****. The fourth single will be Beat goes on, to make support to the 2nd part of the tour, this summer. They said is to soon to kill an album that was less of a year in the market.
Eli DVD on joka tapauksessa tulossa!!! Ja jos Beat Goes On on single, jee!!!
Ihanaaa!!! Kuulostaa tosi hyvältä, varsinkin toi, että Live Nation haluaa panostaa extroihin Beat Goes On on ihan hyvä biisi, joten hyvä valinta sinkuks Toivottavasti menestyisi paremmin kun Miles Away...
Luultavasti video on biisille live-esitys. Ja siten biisistä ei tule suurta hittiä...
En usko.
Beat Goes On soi muuten joskus YLEn HIV-aiheisen dokumentin lopussa marraskuussa, ja jo silloin aloin olemaan varma että kappale tehtiin tv-taustasoitoillaan tutuksi kansalle ja sitten kun biisi pärähtäisi virallisesti radioihin niin ajaltaisiin "ai tämä oli Madonnan biisi, wow!"... Tälle lienee parempi pistää oma aiheensa.
Good soures said that dvd will be out from the next 6 months, at the same time for the GH. The reason from the delay is because Warner wants to hit 2 birds from one shot, they don't want to spend so much money for 2 promotions, and they delay the release from the S&S DVD after the 2nd part of the tour. The original W shoot from Rio was made to promote the DVD at march, but with this delay, they can't cancel the publication of the magazine. Live Nation wants to make a very HIT with this DVD, with good extras, interviews with Madonna, behind the scenes, friends of Madonna, cities, etc... The footage from Argentina is incredible, and the final edition is 99% completed. The rumours of bad footage are bull****. The fourth single will be Beat goes on, to make support to the 2nd part of the tour, this summer. They said is to soon to kill an album that was less of a year in the market.
Eli DVD on joka tapauksessa tulossa!!! Ja jos Beat Goes On on single, jee!!!
enpä oikein tuohon usko koska Live Nation hoitaa DVD:n julkaisun eikä Warner. joten jos Warner haluaa että GH:n julkaisu tapahtuu samaan aikaan kuin kiertue DVD:n niin se tapahtuu Live Nationin ehdoilla. en usko että Warnerilla on mitään tekemistä DVD:n promootion kanssa koska he eivät siitä mitenkään hyödy koska levittäjä on Live Nation.
According to a member of the MadonnaTribe forum, the DVD is scheduled for a June release, and so is the GH compilation, as Warner wants to benefit from the promotion for the DVD.
The same member posted the dates for the 2009 summer tour the day before they were announced, and knew exactly when they would be announced - so I assume that he's right this time as well.
DVD:tä odotellessa :)
This is who I am, You can like it or not, You can love me or leave me, Cause I'm never gonna stop..
Eli kuten Madonnan manageri Guy Oseary kertoi dvd julkaistaan vasta marraskuussa.Toivottavasti mukaan tulee jotain ensi kesän kiertueestakin.Jossain foorumeilla huhutaan että jokin Euroopan konsertti tulisi tv:stä livenä....