Madonna's Beautiful Killer, New track title from MDNA album as a tribute to Alain Delon
One song on Madonna's new album, MDNA, is called Beautiful Killer.
Beautiful Killer is a tribute to French film star Alain Delon., as Madonna revealed to the Los Angeles Times "I've seen every movie Alain Delon's ever made," Madonna said. "He's so charismatic."
Queen of Pop tells MTV News most of her upcoming album is more 'high-energy' than award-winning 'Masterpiece.'
Madonna has teased fans not only inadvertently with a leaked demo of her first single for "Gimme All Your Luvin," but also with "Masterpiece" (which also appears on the soundtrack for her film, "W.E."). So far it seems that the two very different tracks show the two very different sides that the Queen of Pop is pursuing on her next studio release, M.D.N.A.
While "Gimme" plays up Madge's playful, upbeat persona, "Masterpiece," as she explained to MTV News, is a different story. " 'Masterpiece' is one of the few kind of more down-tempo songs, more reflective," she told MTV News at the New York City premiere of "W.E."
"I think the majority of the record is more action-packed," she teased. "More high-energy." It seems, then, that what fans have heard of "Gimme" is more of what they will hear on the album.
The album will reportedly get a March release date. It features production from Martin Solveig on its lead single, which gets some presumably sassy assists from two fierce female MCs, Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. Both ladies will reportedly take the stage with the pop icon to perform the track at the Super Bowl halftime show.
Madonna also worked with longtime collaborator and Ray Of Lightproducer William Orbit, who produced the Golden Globe-winning "Masterpiece." "We've worked on stuff for so many years that we kind of finish each other's sentences. He knows my taste and what I like," she explained at the premiere. "Magic happens when we get into a recording studio together."
At the Globes, Madonna recalled how "Masterpiece" came together. "[My manager Guy Oseary] harangued me for the entire time I was filming and editing my movie to write a song," she said during her acceptance speech for Best Original Song. "And I said, 'Please, Guy, I'm trying to focus on being a director and I want people to pay attention to the film and I don't have time.' So then I finished the film and I started making my record and somehow magically and miraculously the song emerged, 'Masterpiece,' so thank you, Guy Oseary, for being so irritating."
from MTV news
I laugh at myself. I don't take myself completely seriously. I think that's another quality that people have to hold on to... you have to laugh, especially at yourself. -Madonna-
Jos Madonnaraman päivämäärä pitää paikkaansa, voitaisi olettaa, että Suomessa julkaisu olisi 28. päivä maaliskuuta. Vaikea tajuta, että Madonnan uuden albumin julkaisuun on enää tosiaan kaksi kuukautta aikaa! On sitä vain odottanut jo niin kauan ja kohta se on täällä!
3-6.2 voit varata iTunesista uuden levyn (MDNA) hintaan 9,99$ eli noin 7,4€? Deluxe Edition sisältää 17 biisiä sekä yhden remixin. Samalla kun tekee ennakkotilauksen saa automaattisesti uuden sinkun "Give Me All Your Luvin"
3-6.2 voit varata iTunesista uuden levyn (MDNA) hintaan 9,99$ eli noin 7,4€? Deluxe Edition sisältää 17 biisiä sekä yhden remixin. Samalla kun tekee ennakkotilauksen saa automaattisesti uuden sinkun "Give Me All Your Luvin"
APUA! Saako jo silloin kaikki biisit itselleensä ??? Tässä vielä infoa tulevista ajoista:
Official Cover of Give Me All Your Luvin'
Madonna will be releasing her new single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" featuring Nicki Minaj & M.I.A. on February 3rd, three days before her highly anticipated Bridgestone Super Bowl halftime performance, it was officially confirmed by Interscope Records. "Give Me All Your Luvin'" is the first single from Madonna's upcoming album MDNA, her 12th studio albumand follow up to 2008's Hard Candy which debuted at No. 1 in 37 countries.
The song was written by Madonna, Martin Solveig, Nicki Minaj and M.I.A, composed by Martin Solveig and Michael Tordjman and produced by Madonna and Martin Solveig. iTunes will offer an exclusive global pre-order of an 18 track Deluxe Edition of MDNA including one exclusive remix from Madonna's new album. The bonus remix will be available from Friday, February 3rd through Monday, February 6th only. During this time period the album will be available for $9.99 and fans will also receive the digital single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" immediately. This single is also exclusive to iTunes during this limited time. At launch, the offer can be found
The video for "Give Me All Your Luvin'," directed by Megaforce, is football and cheerleader themed - inspired by her upcoming Super Bowl appearance.
In an Anerican Idol exclusive, Madonna will world preview the video for her new single "Give Me All Your Luvin'," featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., during IDOL Thursday, Feb. 2 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. The full video for "Give Me All Your Luvin'" will premiere on Madonna's YouTube channel on February 3rd at 9am EST/6am PST.
MDNA, recorded in New York and LA, reunites Madonna with former collaborator William Orbit ("Ray of Light") who co-wrote and co-produced several cuts on the new album. Other co producers include Martin Solveig, The Demolition Crew, Marco "Benny" Benassi and Alessandro "Alle" Benassi, Hardy "Indiigo" Muanza, Michael Malih and Madonna.
The Golden Globe Award winning song "Masterpiece" from the Madonna directed Weinstein Company film "W.E." which opens in February is also included on MDNA as well as on W.E. - Music From the Soundtrack which is scheduled to be released on January 31st at digital retailers on Interscope as well.
The Compact Disc version of the soundtrack is scheduled to be released exclusively at on February 14th. The score was composed, orchestrated and produced by Abel Korzeniowski.
Madonna is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Show on January 30th.
Source: Interscope Records / Universal Music Group.
Madonna will be releasing her new single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" featuring Nicki Minaj & M.I.A. on February 3rd, three days before her highly anticipated Bridgestone Super Bowl halftime performance, it was officially confirmed by Interscope Records. "Give Me All Your Luvin'" is the first single from Madonna's upcoming album MDNA, her 12th studio albumand follow up to 2008's Hard Candy which debuted at No. 1 in 37 countries.
The song was written by Madonna, Martin Solveig, Nicki Minaj and M.I.A, composed by Martin Solveig and Michael Tordjman and produced by Madonna and Martin Solveig. iTunes will offer an exclusive global pre-order of an 18 track Deluxe Edition of MDNA including one exclusive remix from Madonna's new album. The bonus remix will be available from Friday, February 3rd through Monday, February 6th only. During this time period the album will be available for $9.99 and fans will also receive the digital single "Give Me All Your Luvin'" immediately. This single is also exclusive to iTunes during this limited time. At launch, the offer can be found
The video for "Give Me All Your Luvin'," directed by Megaforce, is football and cheerleader themed - inspired by her upcoming Super Bowl appearance.
In an Anerican Idol exclusive, Madonna will world preview the video for her new single "Give Me All Your Luvin'," featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., during IDOL Thursday, Feb. 2 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. The full video for "Give Me All Your Luvin'" will premiere on Madonna's YouTube channel on February 3rd at 9am EST/6am PST.
MDNA, recorded in New York and LA, reunites Madonna with former collaborator William Orbit ("Ray of Light") who co-wrote and co-produced several cuts on the new album. Other co producers include Martin Solveig, The Demolition Crew, Marco "Benny" Benassi and Alessandro "Alle" Benassi, Hardy "Indiigo" Muanza, Michael Malih and Madonna.
The Golden Globe Award winning song "Masterpiece" from the Madonna directed Weinstein Company film "W.E." which opens in February is also included on MDNA as well as on W.E. - Music From the Soundtrack which is scheduled to be released on January 31st at digital retailers on Interscope as well.
The Compact Disc version of the soundtrack is scheduled to be released exclusively at on February 14th. The score was composed, orchestrated and produced by Abel Korzeniowski.
Madonna is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Show on January 30th.
Source: Interscope Records / Universal Music Group.
ihanaa, ihanaa
No tuossa tiedotteessa on hyviä uutisia vaikka millä mitalla! 18 kappaletta deluxe-levyllä, en malta odottaa, että pääsen tutustumaan jokaiseen niistä! Itse en tosin aio hyödyntää tuota iTunesin tarjousta, hankin mieluummin fyysisen levyn.
Mahtavaa myös, että Madonna saa vihdoin huomiota huippusuositussa American Idolissa! Tuota kautta uusi video saa parhaan mahdollisen laukaisualustan. Tuntuu, että Madonna tähtää tosissaan Jenkkien uudelleenvalloittamiseen, ja niin pitää ollakin.
Levyn tuottajissa on mukavan tuntemattomia nimiä! Toivoisin, että tätä kautta albumille on saatu ikuistettua jäljittelemätön soundi. Onkos kenelläkään tietoa noiden tuottajien aiemmista tekeleistä?
Kaiken kaikkiaan tuntuu, että M.D.N.A:n promoamiseen käytetään paljon vaivaa, ja uskon, että Madonna-huuma kasvaa huimiin mittasuhteisiin maailmanlaajuisesti!
Nyt kyllä mennään kovilla kierroksilla!!! EN MALTA ODOTTAA ENSI VIIKKOA!
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Ahaa, kiitos tiedosta Aion itse kuitenkin tehdä niin, että tilaan Levykauppa Äx:stä levyn, kun se tulee kotiin heti julkaisupäivänä Ei jaksais odottaa tuota Super Bowlia tai Give Me All Your Luvinin lopullista versiota !!
Kansikuva on MAHTAVA! Totally Icon! En olisi uskonut noin hienoa ja on paljon hienompi kuin esimerkiksi Hard Candyn kuva! Yksi Madonnan hienoimmista levyn kansista, ellei hienoin!!
-- Edited by madonnaali on Tuesday 31st of January 2012 09:02:24 PM
Hui. Tosi voimakas kansikuva. Hypnotisoiva ja salaperäinen. Paljon parempi mitä esim. Hard Candyn kansi. Madonnan lookista tulee Vogue/Erotica mieleen. Hieno, todella upea värit ja idea toimii. Älyttömän hyvä. QUEEN is BACK.
-- Edited by Hanhis on Tuesday 31st of January 2012 04:03:34 PM