What It Feels Like for a Girl -promosinkun tulin ostaneeksi. Lisäksi tilauksessa Jumpin promoversio.
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
ebay.comissa on tarjolla useampikin kappale. Ei tosin lähde ihan halvalla..
Katos pirua, en huomannutkaan. Kiitti vinkistä!
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Thunderpuss GHV2 Megamix, USA promo cds, 3 versiota. Versiot on samat ku EU painoksessakin, mut kannet on erilaiset, täs on kuva kansi kun EU painokses on levy-yhtiön logo kansi, ja sit täs USA painokses on toi cd ns. kuvallinen cd.
Täst joutu jo vähän maksaakin, ei kuitenkaan kauheita.
Give Me All Your Luvin' -singlen CD-painoksen ennakkotilasin.
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me