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Topic: Michael Jackson

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Rebel Heart
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Date: Jun 26 12:09 2009

Michael Jackson

Tuli mullekin ihan yllätyksenä tää uutinencry Tosi... outoa...hmm.gif En mikään Michael-fani oo koskaan ollut, mutta muutamia hyviä kappaleita kyllä löytyi. Surullistacry

-- Edited by Kiiuska95 on Friday 26th of June 2009 12:09:54 PM


"You're just not fucking loud enough!"

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Date: Jun 26 12:36 2009
Niin mulle tuli vaan mieleen et mitenköhän Madonna tulee huomioimaan tän omalla kiertueellaan ja etenkin ensimmäisellä keikalla.

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Date: Jun 26 12:41 2009
Hui, järkyttävää. cry En itsekään ollut fani, mutta Michael Jackson on aina ollut mielestäni osa viihdeteollisuutta joko kohuillaan tai musiikillaan. Legenda on poissa.

LISÄYS: Täällä tällainen:

Michael Jacksonia sureva Madonna: En voi lopettaa itkemistä

26.06.2009 08:13, päivitetty 26.06. 16:08tekstikoko.jpg

redsquare.gif Michael Jacksonin suru-uutinen musersi popin kuningattaren, Madonnan.

- En voi lopettaa itkemistä. Olen aina ihaillut Michael Jacksonia. Maailma on menettänyt yhden suurimmista, mutta hänen musiikkinsa tulee elämään ikuisesti. Sydämeni on hänen lastensa ja perheensä puolella. Siunausta!

Jacksonin läheinen ystävä Elizabeth Taylor järkyttyi kuultuaan ystävänsä kuolemasta. Hän oli jopa niin murheissaan, ettei pystynyt lähettämään asiasta julkista tiedotetta.

Twitter-maailma täyttyi pian surevista julkkiksista, jotka olivat ilmaisseet osanottonsa aiemmin Farrah Fawcettin puolesta.

- Olen niin surullinen. En voi uskoa, että Michael on poissa. Miten surullinen päivä tänään. Olen murtunut :(, Paris Hilton kirjoitti.

Lenny Kravitz kertoo Jacksonin olleen hänen roolimallinsa lapsena ja näyttäneen, mihin hänen pitää elämässään pyrkiä.

- Hän oli ensimmäinen esiintyjä, jonka näin. Olin silloin 8-vuotias Madison Square Gardenissa. Ilman häntä en tekisi sitä, mitä teen nyt.

- Näin myös, kuinka hyvä isä hän oli. Kaunis ihminen. Olen hyvin surullinen hänen kuolemastaan.

Kravitz kirjoittaa Twitterissä tehneensä työtä Jacksonin kanssa ja kehuu, kuinka hauska mies hän oli.

Osanottonsa ilmaisee myös Kalifornian kuvernööri Arnold Scwarzenegger.

- Menetimme suuren viihdyttäjän ja popin ikonin. Rukoilen hänen perheensä, ystäviensä ja faniensa puolesta.

Popin kuningasta hyväksikäyttösyytteiden aikana puolustanut pr-mies Michael Levine ei yllättynyt Jacksonin kuolemasta.

- Minun täytyy myöntää, että en ole yllättynyt tämänpäiväisistä traagisista uutisista. Michael on ollut todella vaikealla ja itsetuhoisella matkalla vuosia. Hänen lahjakkuuttansa ei voi kyseenalaistaan, mutta hän oli liian ahdistunut tämän maailma säännöistä. Ihminen ei voi yksinkertaisesti kestää tämänlaista pitkäaikaista stressiä.

Jacksonin entinen tyttöystävä, näyttelijä Brooke Shields otti osaa suruun.

- Hän oli erityinen ystävä, taiteilija ja lahja maailmalle. Suren hänen perheensä ja faniensa rinnalla hänen ennenaikaista poismenoaan.

Myös entinen Gun's N' Roses kitaristi Slash järkyttyi kuolemasta.

-Todella surullisia uutisia Michaelista. Hän oli mahtava kyky.

Läheinen ystävä, silmänkääntäjä Uri Geller kommentoi kuolemaa seuraavasti:

- Hän menetti lapsuutensa, se oli mennyt, loppunut. Ja sitten yhtäkkiä kuuluisaksi tulemisen trauma. Tuleminen legendaksi, tuleminen miljonääriksi. Se on raskasta.


-- Edited by Music makes as people on Friday 26th of June 2009 05:58:29 PM


Didn't know how lost I was until I find you.


Rebel Heart
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Date: Jun 26 12:43 2009
En ole koskaan ollut mikään Michael-fani tai erityisemmin tykönnytkään koko henkilöstä. Mutta surullinen uutimenhan tämä on toki ja toivotaan, että media osaisi jättää asian rauhaan. Vaikka ei ne mitään osaakkaan tehdä oikein.

En sano tätä loukkauksena tai minään muuna sellaisena, mutta jotenkin mun kohdalta oli ennalta arvattavissa tämä kuolema.


Like A Virgin
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Date: Jun 26 12:47 2009
Nuoruuteeni kuului nimenomaan Madonna ja Michael Jackson..
Parhaimpia biisejä ehdottomasti ovat Beat It, Thriller, Bad, Dirty Diana, Smooth Criminal..
Onneksi musiikki jää elämään.
Odotan Madonnalta jonkinlaista tribuuttia, varmasti ainakin Lontoossa, toivottavasti kaikilla keikoilla.
Rest In Peace Michael

Celebrate me for who I am, dislike me for what I aint
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Date: Jun 26 12:56 2009
Itsekään en mikään fani oo koskaan ollut, mutta eihän Michaelin merkitystä koko nykyaikaiselle popmusiikille ja -kulttuurille voi millään muotoa väheksyä. Surullinen uutinen, ehdottomasti, varsinkin kun oli aloittelemassa sitä massiivista konserttisarjaansa, jossa oltaisiin taas nähty se vanha kunnon Michael. Vaan eipä nähdä.

Toisellakin tavalla oli hirveetä kuulla tää uutinen, mun isä nimittäin tuli mun huoneeseen ja alko kertoon, että yks suurimmista musiikkialan ihmisistä on kuollut noin viiskymppisenä... Arvatkaa säikähdinkö.


This is my kind of music

      They play it all night long

Express Yourself
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Posts: 1623
Date: Jun 26 13:12 2009
Vanha kuva Madonnasta ja Michaelista:



CT-London,Paris Hard Candy Promo show-New York
S&S-Berlin,London,Helsinki MDNA Berlin, Helsinki(GT)

is bitch!
Status: Offline
Posts: 832
Date: Jun 26 13:50 2009
Harki ja Madonnaah
Niinpä olisi hienoa jos Madonna laulattaisi yleisöllä vaikka jonkun MJ:n biisin pätkän varsinkin O2:lle nimittäin ei olisi montaa päivää enää Madonnan jälkeen kun MJ:n keikka rupeama olisi alkanut siellä.


2 re-invention, london

3 confessions, london

7 sticky and sweet, london, paris, tallinn, helsinki

5 mdna, berlin, copenhagen, gothenburg, helsinki

5 rebel heart, berlin, stockholm, london


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Date: Jun 26 16:03 2009
24.8.1997 heart.gifsadangel.gif

-- Edited by Masu on Friday 26th of June 2009 04:05:02 PM

Like A Virgin
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Posts: 27
Date: Jun 26 16:17 2009
Surullista, suuri musiikin vaikuttaja poissa. sadangel.gif Voi kun uutisointi aiheesta pysyisi asiallisena.

Drama Queen
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Date: Jun 26 17:12 2009
Oli surullista kuulla aamulla Michealin kuolemasta. Olen seurannut MJ:n uraa melkein yhtä kauan kuin Madonnankin ja siksi uutinen aiheutti ahdistusta. Itse odotin ja toivoin sunnitellun konserttirupeaman tuovan Jacksonin uralle kaivattua uutta nostetta ja oikeanlaista julkisuutta juuri esiintymisen ja musiikin myötä. Nyt media luultavasti täyttyy mitä ihmeellisimmistä "uutisista" mitä kaivetaan esille jokaisen kiven ja kannon alta.

Michael eli kuitenkin eristäytynyttä elämää josta suuri maailma loppujen lopuksi tietää todella vähän, ja nyt tabloid lehdistölle avautuu mahdollisuus kaivaa kaikki mahdollinen esiin, mikä kenties aiemmin on pysynyt visusty yksityisyyden varjossa. Eniten olen pahoillani Michaelin lasten vuoksi, sillä uskon että he olivat kuitenkin kaikki kaikessa hänelle. Toivottavasti perheen annetaan surra Michaelin poismenoa rauhassa, ilman riepottelua lehtien palstoilla.

Mahdollinen yhteisesiintyminen Michelin ja Madonnan kesken olisi ollut jotain todella todella mahtavaa...


Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...

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Date: Jun 26 21:18 2009

Onpa ollut surullinen päivä. Ja paljon tullut kuunneltua Michaelia. cry Tässä eri tähtien lausuelmia:

Quincy Jones

I am absolutely devastated at this tragic and unexpected news. For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just dont have the words. Divinity brought our souls together on The Wiz and allowed us to do what we were able to throughout the 80s. To this day, the music we created together on Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad is played in every corner of the world and the reason for that is because he had it alltalent, grace, professionalism and dedication. He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. Ive lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him.

Ellen DeGeneres

So sad to hear about Michael Jackson. His music changed our lives. The world has lost an amazing singer and dancer. I will miss him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

We lost a great entertainer and a pop icon. My thoughts and prayers go out to Michael Jackson's family, friends and fans.

P. Diddy

Michael Jackson showed me that you can actually see the beat. He made the music come to life!! He made me believe in magic. I will miss him!

Samantha Ronson

His music is just as relevant now as it was the day they pressed record, I'm sure it will remain so for generations to come.R.I.P.Mr Jackson.

Heidi Montag

The world has suffered a GREAT loss today Michael Jackson my thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and fans God bless.

Ice T

Rest In Peace Mike. People can say what they want but you were 100% original. WE will always love , miss & remember your GREATNESS.

John Mayer

Dazed in the studio. A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us. RIP MJ.Ithink we'll mourn his loss as well as the loss of ourselves as children listening to Thriller on the record player.

Miley Cyrus

Michael Jackson was my inspiration. love and blessings.


If it were not for Micheal Jackson I would not be where or who I am today.His Music and Legacy will live on Forever.Prayers to the famR.I.P.

MC Hammer

I have no words.. I loved Michael Jackson.. RIP..

Kelly Rowland

Michael you left such a legacy on this earth, have touched SO MANY!!! We thank you for such a driving inspiration in music & our lives!! This has got to be one of the saddest days in music history!! Michael Rest In Peace! WE miss you!

Star Jones

Death comes to all. But great achievements build a monument." He IS and WAS the greatest entertainer of all times...Peace to you brother.

Lindsay Lohan

NO OMG ... sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family ... i feel sick..

Marlon Wayans

My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I'm crushed! Please pray.

Pete Wentz

Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson ... I haven't hope in so long that news isn't true.

Kim Kardashian

Wow I am truly in shock that Michael Jackson has passed away! I love u Jackson family, my prayers are with the whole family!

Ashton Kutcher

Rip Sending love and light to family and friend but especially his kids.

Corey Feldman

I come to you today with great sadness, acknowledging the loss of the greatest entertainer in the history of mankind. For me he was more than that, he was my idol, he was a role model, he was someone to cry to when my childhood was unbearable, he was a brother, he was a dear friend.
Unfortunately Michael and I had a falling out on Septenmber 10th 2001 and that broken friendship had never been repaired. I have stayed close with his family through the years. As a matter of fact my wife and I attended LaToyas birthday thrown by Janet 3 weeks ago on Susie's actual birthday. Michael was supposed to be there and we were supposed to try and talk things out. Michael didn't show because he was stuck in rehearsals for his upcoming tour.
I am trembling and shaking at the moment and it is very hard to type. I am filled with tremendous sadness and remorse. All I choose to remember from this point is the good times we shared and what an inspiration he was to me and the rest of the world. Nobody will ever be able to do what Michael Jackson has done in this industry, and he was so close to doing it all again. I am truly, and deeply sorry for all of the heartbroken fans and supporters worldwide. I think I am still in shock. So I must end this now.
As far as our concert on Saturday at Universal goes. I will not cancel this show it is a very positive first step in implementing a better standard for the touring world and music industry. As Michael taught me a long time ago......the show must go on. It will be a hard one to get through. But I will brave it and do the only thing I know how to do.........perform.

Elizabeth Taylor

Dame Elizabeth Taylor is too devastated by the passing of her dear friend Michael Jackson to issue a statement at this time.


I can't stop crying over the sad news. I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greats, but his music will live on forever! My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family. God bless.

Britney Spears

I was so excited to see his show in London we were going to be on tour in London at the same time, I was going to fly in and see him. He's been an inspiration through out my entire life and I'm devastated that he's gone.

Celine Dion

I am so devastated by this terrible news. From the beginning of my career, he was my idol in show business. He was a genius and an incredible artist!! I remember when I was growing up and watching him on TV, and all his videos... I had his poster on my wall...he was so amazing...his singing, his writing, his dancing. We had the same record company, and they knew I was a huge fan, so when things started to happen for me, they arranged for us to meet. I was so nervous, and so excited at the same time, and Michael was so nice. He autographed one of his hats for me.... I was so thrilled. Years later, he came to see my Las Vegas show and we spent some time together....and we were really looking forward to seeing his show in London. It's unbelievable that he's no longer with us. It still hasn't sunk

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Date: Jun 26 21:21 2009
in. I guess we're just finding out what happened, but all I can say is that he must have been under an enormous amount of pressure... to do the shows, and to keep on top of everything, plus this was going to be his big comeback. This is a lot of pressure and it can be overwhelming for anyone. I'm sure it was just too much to handle. Right now, along millions and millions of others I am so sad....and I just want to send my prayers and love to Michael's family. I can't imagine how difficult this is for lose someone so special. And it's the same for everyone in the world who loses a loved one. It just keeps reminding us of how precious life is, and that we never know when it's our time. God Bless his soul.

Justin Timberlake
I can't find the words right now to express how deeply saddened I am by Michael's passing. We have lost a genius and a true ambassador of not only Pop music, but of all music. He has been an inspiration to multiple generations and I will always cherish the moments I shared with him on stage and all of the things I learned about music from him and the time we spent together. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.

Mariah Carey
I am heartbroken. My prayers go out to the Jackson family,and my heart goes out to his children. Let us remember him for his unparalleled contribution to the world of music, his generosity of spirit in his quest to heal the world & the joy he brought to his millions of devoted fans throughout the world. I feel blessed to have performed with him several times & to call him my friend. No artist will ever take his place. His star will shine forever.

Paula Abdul
Words cannot begin to express my heartfelt sorrow upon hearing the new of Michael Jackson's passing. I was blessed to be able to work with, and witness first hand, his tremendous talent and growth through the years as he truly became an icon. Today we have all lost a legend who has touched each of our lives through his music and showmanship over the past five decades.

Berry Gordy
I had no concern about his ability to go to the top. He was like my son. He had warmth, sensitivity and two personalities. Michael was and will remain one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. When he was not on stage, he was loving, respectful and shy. When he WAS on stage, he was so in charge you would not believe he was the same person. I extend my sympathies to Joe, Katherine and the entire Jackson family. My prayers are with them.

Peter Andre
Michael Jackson dying is absolutely devastating. I am totally shocked. MJ, you're the best.

Lisa Marie Presley
I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children who I know were everything to him and for his family. This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me.

Russell Simmons
Michael Jackson was my generation's most iconic cultural hero. Courageous, unique and incredibly talented. He'll be missed greatly.

Dionne Warwick
We have lost an icon in our industry and my heartfelt condolences go out to his family and children in this hour of sorrow that they are now going through. He will live on in my memory and most definitely through the music he shared with so many.

Wyclef Jean
Michael Jackson was my musical God. He made me believe that all things are possible, and through real and positive music. He can live forever! I love Michael Jackson. God Bless him.

LL Cool J
Peace to the King. ... He was one of my childhood idols. I salute you King of Pop. You made the whole world moonwalk together.

Ricky Martin
I am very sad. No one will be able to replace him. But I know that the light that he emanated from the stage will live on with all of us who saw him for what he was and always will be a great teacher, pure musical inspiration.

Michael Jackson will live forever through the thing that he put all of his life energy into: his music. ... Long live Michael Jackson.

Uri Geller
I'm just devastated, very, very sad. I pray that his soul is up there now. I'm still trying to hold on to the glimmer that it is not true. It is too surreal for me to absorb that Michael is no longer with us. Michael was in good shape because he was practising, he was training, he was rehearsing for the shows. Michael was careful with what he ate, he was just fine. Last time I heard of what he was doing, he was in great shape. And this is why I'm so absolutely shocked by this news.

Steven Spielberg
Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson. His talent, his wonderment and his mystery make him legend.


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Posts: 73
Date: Jun 27 11:11 2009
sori jos tää on jo jossain aiemmin linkitettynä, itselle oli ihan uusi tuttavuus: Madonna does Billie Jean

edit en osaakaan liittää sitä videota suoraan tähän, linkki sitten:

-- Edited by Masu on Saturday 27th of June 2009 11:17:06 AM

-- Edited by Masu on Saturday 27th of June 2009 11:17:33 AM

Like A Virgin
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Posts: 43
Date: Jun 27 11:54 2009
ExtaticBoy kirjoitti:

Vanha kuva Madonnasta ja Michaelista:


Popin kuningas ja kuningatar!Voi mennä vielä vuosikymmeniä,ennenkuin näille kruunuille löytyy uudet kantajat.Tai liekkö koskaan...


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