Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Daily Mail kuvatodisteineen: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2945185/Grammys-2015-Madonna-shows-MAJOR-cleavage-dressed-matador.html
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Published: 23:27 GMT, 8 February 2015 | Updated: 03:00 GMT, 9 February 2015
She is known for shocking when it comes to her red carpet appearances, and this year's Grammy Awards was no exception.
Madonna stole the limelight on Sunday afternoon, as she showed off a huge amount of cleavage while dressed as a sexy matador - in custom-made Givenchy outfit.
The 56-year-old singer was accompanied by the DJ Diplo and rapper Nas at the Los Angeles event, both of whom have worked with the star on her much-talked about album Rebel Heart.
Ole! Madonna (flanked by DJ Diplo, left) shimmied her HUGE cleavage while dressed as a sexy matador on the Grammy red carpet on Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles
It wasn't just the outfit that shocked either, as Madge left presenter Ryan Seacrest red-face by cursing on the red carpet.
'I was p***ed!' Madonna said, talking about the leak of her album, while doing a shimmy for the cameras, further flashing her cleavage.
The album has seen no end of controversy for Madonna, who was criticized for using images of civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr to promote it.
Madonna hints at Grammy performance in revealing outfit
Cheeky! Madge quickly flashed her behind while doing a twirl on the red carpet
Putting it all on show: The Holiday singer wore a VERY fitting outfit, custom made by Givenchy
Matador Madonna! The 56-year-old Queen Of Pop is known for her love of shocking at award ceremonies
Giving a shimmy! Madonna shook her assets while chatting to E!'s Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet
Still a Rebel at heart: The singer has continued the theme of the video for her new single Living For Love
A load of bull! Madge certainly took the bull by the horns when it came to her red carpet outfit
The pop queen, who apologized for upsetting people with her use of iconic figures like MLK on social media, was also forced to release tracks from her upcoming album after they were leaked online.
Taking to the stage once the Grammys kicked off to perform her new song Living For Love, the iconic star changed once again.
Sticking with her matador theme, Madge wore a red ensemble that was slightly move covered up thanks to a removable jacket - which she did not hesitate to strip off rather quickly.
In her element: Taking to the stage once the Grammys kicked off to perform her new song Living For Love, the iconic star changed once again
Letting her hair down, the Like A Virgin star strutted and danced her way across the stage in the red one piece.
In true Madonna style, she was surrounded by scantily-clad masked men - her bulls.
The bulls leaped and pulsated around their matador master - and even simulated sexual acts with her - as she belted out the dance music infused track.
Theme dressing: Sticking with her matador theme, Madge wore a red ensemble that was slightly move covered up thanks to a removable jacket - which she did not hesitate to strip off rather quickly
Making the stage her own: Letting her hair down, the Like A Virgin star strutted and danced her way across the stage in the red one piece
The singing star demanded the audience stand up and join in as she belted out lyrics, 'Love, love lift me,' to mixed results as the song is still new.
Using the lyrics as her cue, Madonna finished her song by being pulled up into the air, suspended above her adoring dancers.
This marks the second year in a row that Madonna has performed at the Grammys.
No bull! In true Madonna style, she was surrounded by scantily-clad masked men - her bulls
Still saucy: The 56-year-old musical icon simulated sexual acts during her performance
'Love lift me': Madonna finished her song by being pulled up into the air, suspended above her dancers
In a surprise move, she joined Macklemore and Ryan Lewis last year in their same-sex marriage anthem, Same Love.
The performance historically saw 33 couples of diverse backgrounds got married on the Grammys floor.
Once the official business was taken care of, Madonna joined the performers onstage, singing Open Your Heart as the newlyweds kissed, hugged, laughed and cried.
Having a ball: The singer certainly appeared to be enjoying every minute of her time in the spotlight
Collaborators: Madonna poses with rapper Nas (left) and DJ Diplo (right) who she described as 'a group of fine gentlemen' while chatting on the red carpet
Date: Madonna arrived arm in arm with rapper Nas, who she has collaborated with on her new album
The married couples then moved along to the music, as a backing gospel choir joined in.
The couples walked down the center aisle of the theater away from the stage as Mary Lambert joined Madonna for a duet performance.
Celebrity fans of the performance included Neil Patrick Harris and Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter.
Unapologetic: The 56-year-old was without a doubt one of the most standout stars at the event
Vogue! The Queen Of Pop struck a number of confident poses in her risque outfit
Not her best pose: Madge is promoting her new album Rebel Heart, which will be released next month
Patrick Harris wrote, 'My face hurts from smiling. That was one of the coolest things I've ever gotten to see. Much much love. Well done, Grammys.'
DeGeneres tweeted, '#SameLove was incredible. Love to @Macklemore, @RyanLewis, @MaryLambertSing @Madonna & @IAmQueenLatifah for a beautiful performance #GRAMMYs.'
Other Twitter users announced their support. One user wrote 'I would never stop telling people Beyonce and Jay-Z were at my wedding. #GRAMMYs'.
Madonna, who has won seven Grammys over her three-decade career, is scheduled in March to release a new album, 'Rebel Heart,' in which she goes further in a hip-hop direction. She abruptly released six songs from the album in December after versions leaked on the Internet.
Team with the theme: Madonna's new look comes hot on the heels of the release of her new video Living For Love
Last year: In a surprise move, she joined Macklemore and Ryan Lewis in their same-sex marriage anthem, Same Love, as 33 couples of diverse backgrounds got married on the Grammys floor in 2014
Material Girl: The superstar pictured performing solo at the Grammys in 2001
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Oli kyllä todella tyylipuhdas esitys! Energinen ja valovoimainen. Ainoa asia mikä itseäni jäi häiritsemään oli livelaulun hautaaminen taustanauhan alle, toisaalta sen pienen livelaulun kuulumisen perusteella ehkä hyväkin että näin tehtiin... Mutta todella positiiviset vibat jäi, tällaisen Living for Love -esityksen mieluusti näkisin kiertueellakin, ja tällainen matador-osio voisi toimia hyvin (La Isla Bonita kenties mukaan...).
Ja Madonnan Grammy-lookit oli onnistuneet ja seksikkäät! Toivottavasti tämä näkyvyys auttaa biisiä nousemaan kunnon hitiksi!
I laugh at myself. I don't take myself completely seriously. I think that's another quality that people have to hold on to... you have to laugh, especially at yourself. -Madonna-
Muutaman kerran katsottuani tuon esityksen on pakko sanoa, että melkein tulee samanlainen olo kuin Confessions on a Dance Floor -aikakaudella: esitys on kuin musiikkivideo livenä ("Hung Up"). Toivon todella, että "Living for Love" nousisi Billboardin listalle, mieluiten kärkeen ja saisi universaalin hitin maineen.
Yhdysvalloissa tosin osa kansasta on jo verisesti loukkaantunut heidän näkemilleen "satanistisille rituaaleille", kuten tanssijoiden sarville ja kaiken maailman "pahuuden silmille". Jotenkin ei-niin-kovin-hengellisenä tällainen ajautus lähinnä naurattaa, kun ihmiset ovat niin helvetin tosikkoja. Tuskin se Madonna Saatanaa ajatteli kun pani tanssijoillensa sarvet päähän - ja jos todella ajatteli, niin hyvin on taas onnistunut provosointi.
Who am I to decide what should be done If this is the end then let it come Let it come, let it rain, rain all over me Like a tide, let it flow, let it wash all over me, over me
Vetää sanattomaksi, mieletön esitys. En tiedä mitä muuta sanoa. Loistava ja kevyesti paras hetki eilisessä gaalassa. Madonna vaikuttaa onnelliselta ja energiseltä.
Täyty tulla tänne kertomaan, että Madonnan profiilia on ainakin eilen käytetty Snapchatissa Grammy gaalan aikana. Yksi kuva otettu juuri astellessa punaiselle matolle, video kun tanssijat matkaavat lavalle, video kun Madonnaa valmistellaan, matkaa lavalle ja viimeisenä kulisseissa Mileyta halaamassa.
Ehkä tämä päivittely jatkuu myöhemmin samoin tavoin kuin Instagramissa on jatkunut.
You may be my lucky star But I'm the luckiest by far...
Vaikka kehuin jo Madonnan grammy esitystä, niin pakko kehua vielä lisää! Esitys paranee katselukertojen myötä ja saa ainakin mulle aikaan todella hyvän fiiliksen :) Toivon, että uudella kiertueella nähtäisiin jotain vastaavaa! En voi myöskään ymmärtää, miksei Living for love ole menestynyt jenkeissä??? Mitä sinne sitten tarvitaan vai onko Madonna jo out rapakon takana?
Upea tyylipuhdas Madonna-like Grammy esitys. Nyt todella ollaan oikealla tasolla kaikilla mittareilla.
Ja M on niin onnellisen oloinen kaikissa kuvissa samoin kuin esityksessä. Levy nro 13 taitaa todella tuoda hänelle onnea.
Drowned World Tour - Pariisi, Re-Invention Tour - Pariisi, Confessions Tour - Lontoo,
Sticky & Sweet Tour - Tallinna Helsinki, MDNA - Helsinki