My name is Tommaso Pinassi, I am an Italian collector of magazines from all over the world with Madonna on the cover. I have some Finnish magazines in my collection but I am still looking for some other complete Finnish magazines with Madonna on the cover. I am attaching here a collage I made with the small pictures of the covers of the Finnish magazines that I am looking for, where I have marked with a blue line those covers which I already have.
Can anybody there in Finland help me to find some of the ones that I am looking for (which are NOT marked in the collage)? I hope that some of you can help me with this.
I can pay GOOD money if you can find for me any of my most-wanted Finnish magazines which are: APU of 1985, the 2 issues of HYMY of 1985 and 1986, KATSO! of 1987, VOICE of 1986, MARKKINOINTI of 1990, MIX of 2001 etc... and I can tell you that I can trade also with many and many Italian and foreign super rare magazines with Madonna on the cover, so please let me know what you can find.
I thank everybody in advance for the help and I hope to hearing from someone soon. Please reply me to my email address:
CIAO from Italy
-- Edited by Tommy on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 01:03:51 PM