Madonna aikoo tehdä vaarallisia stuntteja kiertueellaan
Madonna suunnittelee tekevänsä vaarallisia stuntteja lavalla tulevalla maailmankiertueellaan. Laulaja on kiinnostunut Parkourista. Hyppimisestä siis kirjaimellisesti seinille. Kaiteita ja muureja ei nähdä rajoitteina liikkeelle vaan pikemminkin mahdollisuuksina.
Parkour on enemmän kuin urheilulaji - siinä tehdään liikkumisesta taidetta ympäristön suomien mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Esteet sulavalle liikkumiselle nähdään haasteina ja mahdollisuuksina kehittää sekä omaa kehoa, että mieltä. Vain luovuus ja mielikuvitus ovat rajana.
Madonna on ottanut tunteja Sebastien Foucanilta. "Madonna vasta opettelee perusasioita. Tällä hetkellä hän opettelee putoamaan oikeaoppisesti."
Voi apua....! Siis.. alkaa jo oikeesti pelottaa että rouva katkoo taas luitaan ennen odotettua Damin konserttia... jolloin nähdään taas madonna kipseissä... eiiiih...!! Alkaa kuulostaa sen verran hurjalle jo nuo jutut..
Waiting for the next best thing.. What it ever will been..? ;)
Material Boy2 kirjoitti: Voi apua....! Siis.. alkaa jo oikeesti pelottaa että rouva katkoo taas luitaan ennen odotettua Damin konserttia... jolloin nähdään taas madonna kipseissä... eiiiih...!! Alkaa kuulostaa sen verran hurjalle jo nuo jutut..
Hei, älä edes mainitse, että noin voi käydä!!!! Nyt tässä pitää sit suurinpiirtein olla varpaisillaan konserttiin asti
She's had enough, she says the end, but she'll come back,she knows it then, A chance to start it all again, Till death do us part
Noi on aikas pornoja...! Ihanaa. Vois vaan kuvitella että jossain mielessä ehkäpä epämukavia, mutta sehän on luonnollisesti sivuasia. Kyllä Jean-Paul osaa asiansa
Tuo tummanviininpunainen asu taitaa olla suunniteltu Live to Tell:n esitystä varten.. eikös joku kertonut huhua ristillä laulamisesta??!! Kts. orjantappura-kruunu... huh-huh..
The show starts with the video of Madonna doin the photo shoot for W. It’s live film, unlike Re-Inventions pics pieced together. You actually see Madonna walk up to the’s done like a movie.
Future Lovers - Madonna appears at the end of the middle runway and performs the entire song at end near the audience. She comes from inside a giant disco ball (like what we’ve seen). There are 4 or 6 dancers that join her at the end of the stage. The video continues on the screens in the background. She sings the lyrics to a Donna Summer song "I feel love"..
Get Together - is just Madonna. She sings it from the main stage. The screens behind her are mainly red.
Like a Virgin - is indeed on a merry-go-round of sorts. She basically does a combination striptease/pole dance and rides a saddle all while the pole goes in circles. She grinds the saddle quite a bit. Very sexual.
Jump - GOES INSANE. A huge platform comes down from the ceiling over the center catwalk. There are guys doin acrobatics and gymnastics everywhere. It’s a great number. The highlight of the Equestrian section.
Live to Tell - Is on a big, white cross. She hangs for the entire song. Before the song you see the story of 3 differnet people who have been abused. You hear their voices as they tell their stories. It's quite moving.
Forbidden Love - The cross stays on stage and during the song two male figures appear on each side of the stage- they hold hands and dance together..all while this huge white cross watches. It definately makes a statement.
Isaac - Believe it or not- the end of this song is where Madonna does the most dancing. She is joined by a male singer (as we already know). There is quite a dance number at the end of the song.
Sorry - FUCKIN ROCKS!! . One of the highest points of the show!! with Pet Shop Boys voices saying Sorry Forgive ME over and over..
Like It Or Not - wow..
Sorry Remix - VERY political images on a video screen. She rips on EVERYONE!! Some funny footage of George W. blinking..alot!
I Love New York - same as Coachella.
Let It Will Be - Great rock version. Similar to Coachella.
Ray of Light - Rock, guitar, the dancers wear black with white ties. It is similar dancing to Coachella if not exactly the same
Drowned World - Her voice sounds GORGEOUS. She just sits on the stage and sing.
Paradise Not for Me - joined with the male singer from Isaac. Weird red blood-clot-ish images on teh screen. It seems to be blood clots shaped like peace signs and crosses..
Music - John Travolta outfit. Some great video footage. She dances like crazy! The dancers are on roller skates..
Erotica/You Thrill Me - The white skin tight outfit from Access Hollywood clips. Fun, cute number. More You Thrill Me then Erotica.
La Isla Bonita - what you saw on E! and Access Hollywood
Lucky Star - She wears a weird cape that had lights on the inside of it. She dances a lot and went a bit crazy. The dancers have a good time. They are everywhere.
Hung Up - Exactly what we’ve seen. Great way to end the show.
Every scar that you try to hide. All the dark corners of your mind. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Let me love you from the inside out...
selasin vaan ton settilistan, mutta en lukenut mitä sanottiin siitä , miten biisit esitetään. siis miten näitä nyt voi välttää syyskuhun asti tekis niin paljon lukee, mut sitte ei kuitenkaan. aarrghh!